Tuesday, 20 December 2011

'The countdown' of reasons to be positive heading into 2012: Number 5

With there being only five days until Christmas day, 2012 is almost upon us. In this series of posts I will countdown five economic reasons to be positive when heading into the New Year.

The Olympics in London next year will hopefully bring a welcome lift to the economy in the UK. With over £6billion worth of construction contracts having been signed already unemployment figures in and around London should fall dramatically by next summer reducing the dependency ratio along with it.

The event of a lifetime...
The games should also provide a welcome boost to the tourist industry which has been flagging in recent years mainly due to the recession. It is estimated that on the back of the games there will be 29.4million overseas arrivals in the UK which would be a 4% rise on 2011. This will bring more income to both London where the games are being held and the rest of the UK, due to the fact that visiting nations will have their base camps dotted around the whole of the UK.

The 2012 Olympics should hopefully provide a welcome relief for both the British economy and the coalition government. Many hope that ‘Olympic fever’ will grip the nation and encourage people to open up the purse strings. Whether, this actually happens is to be seen, however, what the Olympics is guaranteed to provide is immense drama and something to look forward to in the upcoming year.

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