Saturday 24 December 2011

'The countdown' of reasons to be positive heading into 2012: Number 1

The queen’s diamond jubilee in June should lead to a huge surge in visitor numbers and trade rights across the UK. Not only this but along with the Olympics a month later it will combine to reinstate the patriotism and enthusiasm to spend money that has been absent for the most part of the recession.

The jubilee will also bring about an extensive street cleaning and management program throughout the whole of the UK. By improving the environmental quality of an area people will be more likely to spend money in this area, which in turn should help the UK avoid the ever looming double dip recession. With the vast number of major events occurring in the UK next summer including both the jubilee and the Olympics many hope that 2012 will mark the upturn in Britain’s economic fortunes.

This is my last blog before Christmas so a merry Christmas to you all and let’s hope 2012 is a good year for you rather than the year of ‘doom and gloom’ that has been predicted by so many.

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