Thursday 22 December 2011

'The countdown' of reasons to be positive heading into 2012: Number 3

Do you have any gold stashed away? If, you do then 2012 has the potential to be a superb year for you. Gold prices are expected to rise to $2,400 an ounce by the second quarter of next year the highest price they have ever been. An ounce of gold is currently priced at $1,600; if the prices are set to climb by as much as they are predicted to then gold speculators could potentially be making a 50% profit next year.

This price rise isn’t expected to stop in 2012, however. Prices of gold are expected to grow exponentially rising as high $6,000 an ounce by the end of 2013. So whilst, 2012 may be too early to ‘cash’ in your gold it will nether less be an extremely good year for gold investment and a ‘quick buck’ could certainly be made in this market.
I wouldn't cash in your gold just yet

An early Christmas present? Perhaps not. But, gold should provide an good long term investment for those interested.

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