Monday 9 January 2012

The Monday Night Economics Pub Quiz

Tired of 2012 already? Well why don't you cheer yourself up by participating in the latest installment of the Monday night economics pub quiz.

1) Which BMW owned car company announced record profits and sales during 2011 last week?
a) Rolls-Royce              b) Mini                  c) BMW
2) Which country managed to create over 200,000 jobs in December helping to control their unemployment rates?
a) China                        b) USA                 c) UK
3) What British supermarket announced a slow down in sales over the Christmas period?
a) Tesco                        b) Morrisons         c) Waitrose
4) What is the name of the Swiss bank chief who quit his post today amid the currency trading scandal?
a) Phillip Hildebrand      b) Sepp Blatter      c) Stanislas Wawrinka
5) Who did David Cameron accuse of being overpaid last week?
a) City bankers              b) GP's                 c) Pilots

How did you do? Well you can find out, the answers are below.
Answers: 1-a+c, 2-b, 3-b, 4-a, 5-a

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