Wednesday 5 September 2012

Economic conundrums!

How good is your economic knowledge? Put it to the test in this fun but testing quiz...

1) Which investment bank collapsed on the 15th of September 2008 leading to a rise in the cost of credit and plunging stock markets?

a) Lehman Brothers                    b) Merill Lynch                     c) JP Morgan

2) Who was the chancellor of the exchequer between the 28th June 2007 and the 11th May 2010?

a) George Osbourne                   b) Alistair Darling                  c) Gordon Brown

3) "The study of strategic decision making" is the definition for what?

a) Game theory                           b) Competitive thinking         c) Inflation

4) Where did the disease that sees an increase in the exploitation of natural resources lead to a decline in the manufacturing sector herald from?

a) Britain                                     b) Holland                            c) Kenya

5) Which company announced recently that it will 'shed' 900 jobs in an effort to save costs?

a) Apple                                      b) Holland and Barrett          c) Direct Line

Answers to the quiz can be found at the bottom of the previous post.

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